Is banning abortion part of the gay agenda?

Is banning abortion actually part of the gay agenda?

          Obviously all lives matter, and this is not intended to be making a pro-abortion argument. I have a sneaking suspicion that outright banning abortion is actually a part of the gay agenda. The fact of the matter is that there are plenty of alternative directions to go that would actually reduce the amount of abortions while outright bans have never and will never actually reduce the rate at which anything occurs. 

          Since an abortion ban doesn’t actually reduce the amount of abortions, why would they implement it? There must to be another, more nefarious reason behind all of this. I believe that it could be a part of the gay agenda. Think about it. gay people can’t get pregnant. They are resentful of straight people’s ability to conceive a child. They are jealous that they can’t. Thus they are pushing to ban whatever it is they can not do. I think the gays have manipulated the public into believing that being anti-abortion is for the American Right. 


          But how can we prevent abortions without banning it? It’s actually rather simple. It comes from the same lesson from the war on drugs. Actually, let’s use that as a metaphor real quick. People are going to shoot up heroine. Banning it would not prevent people from doing so. The least we can do is to ensure that people are doing so safely, but the best we can do is solve the issues that lead people to doing drugs. Now let’s bring it back to abortion. The least we can do is make sure that people who are going to have the procedure are able to do so safely. Obviously it isn’t the most desired course of action because it still allows for abortion to happen, but we should encourage more preventative measures. The best way is to start young. When people in grade school are taught about sex ed, when age appropriate, it is important that they know that sexual activity can cause a pregnancy. We can actually have a similar approach to sex ed. Teach grade schoolers that if they are going to engage in sexual activity, they should be safe by using a condom and other contraceptives, but we can also say that the only guaranteed way to prevent having a child is to practice abstinence. Well, it’s mostly guaranteed, there was that one guy like 2,000 years ago that was born to a virgin mother, but he was the son of God.

          On the other end, we can also create a society that is more encouraging to raise a child in. If everyone deserves life, then everyone deserves the necessities to live if they can not provide it for themselves. A child can’t go to work to make money to buy food and pay rent, so if their parent can’t provide that for them, doesn’t the child still deserve to get it from somewhere? This is why food programs are extremely important. Some children in America only get food while at school. Every child deserves to eat to their hearts desire. No child, not a single one should go to bed hungry. We should be saying that it is unacceptable that this happens in this country. We are the richest country in the world, we can afford to provide food to those that need it, especially children. 

         There are plenty of other ways that people can come together as a community to encourage others to avoid getting pregnant when it isn’t the best idea. There’s also plenty of other ways that people can come together as a community to encourage others to have a child when it is a good idea. There’s just too much to be able to cover in this article, but if we work cooperatively under the principles of loving thy neighbor, we would be able to build a better world for ourselves and future generations, and this will reduce the number of abortions that occur. 

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